SABONA has created an extensive selection of copper bracelets、so we can offer you stand-out styles as well as superb quality。 Make your choice from our collections、which encompass pure copper bracelets; silver-plated copper bracelets; gold-platedcopper bracelets; and colourful ceramic bracelets - enabling you to choose a wardrobe of designs to suit your style p>
You Should Know
The Theory Behind Magnetic Therapy
Magnetics have been used in different cultures over the years as a way of promoting wellbeing。 It is believed that wearing magnets on the body can improve circulation、thereby helping absorption of nutrients from the bloodstream。 p>
Copper Bracelets
From the kudos of collaborations with renowned jewellers Cartier、to the personal recommendation of many top athletes、SABONA has the authority and experience to make a difference to your well-being - and the scope and style to offer the perfect range of designs for both men and women。 p>